
Miyazaki No.13 hello kitty charm strap 01

(1 件のレビュー)


宫崎 No.13 hello kitty charm strap 01


カテゴリー: , ,


重さ 10 g

Miyazaki No.13 hello kitty charm strap 01 に対するレビュー1件

  1. Kitty

    Hello, could you tell me how to order your products? I need a lot of them sent to China

    • webmasterkm

      Hello, thank you for reading our shop.
      I https://kitty-mi.com/ Shop seller.

      Our shop’s website is now being refurbished.
      Now you can’t use Alipay or PayPal.
      So now we can’t trade with you.

      Perhaps several months later, only PayPal is available.
      Please contact us if necessary.



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